Clare Shaw

We are so excited to be stocking some of Clare's work. I asked Clare to tell us a bit about the limited edition silk scarfs she has designs so please have a read and take a look at her products they're beautiful!!
'The large scarves are all 1mx1m square and are 100% pure twill silk. Each scarf has hand rolled edges, all Made in England, features my original artwork and are limited Edition. The passion of my artwork has transferred onto the silk without losing any vibrancy and I believe The scarves are like nothing else on the market and are perfect for shooting, fishing, walking the dogs or even dressed up in the evening or for a summer wedding'
'There are three designs, Turf War which has more smaller pheasants on and is available in four colourways. This design is based on my best selling painting and is available in Green, blue, cream with a blue edge and cream with a green edge'
'The second design is called Wing and a Prayer and incorporates large pheasants based on one of my largest paintings to date and is very sophisticated and versatile to wear. His is also available in blue, green, cream and blue and cream and green'
'The final design is featuring my exquisite kingfishers and are just so vibrant and energetic.They are available in three colours, blue, cream with a blue edge and cream'
Click on this link to see what we have in stock...